
Is 99 cents too little for RideConnect?

Revision as of 20:59, 11 January 2017 by Santosh (Talk | contribs)

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It's one thing to put a price on an app but it's a little more tricky to know what you're paying for.

RideConnect is priced at 99 cents on the stores. We've been told by many people that it should be free. But when we describe what RideConnect can do, over 400 people have been willing to pay for it.

So we asked ourselves, what does RideConnect offer, what's it worth and to whom?

RideConnect is an app for people who want to get a ride. It's also an app for drivers who are able to give rides. With RideConnect, riders and drivers can connect directly with one another, totally bypassing the intermediary. What this means is that RideConnect puts the power of Uber or Lyft into the palm of your hand.

Let's break down what RideConnect does.

Ride Hailing

With RideConnect, any rider can send a ride hail to drivers in their community. This means that when someone wants to go somewhere, they can simply select their destination, then choose who will receive their ride hail and that's it.

This process is one that people are already familiar with from other taxi and ride hailing apps.



With RideConnect, we introduce a high level of privacy compared to other apps by ensuring that any driver who can answer the hail is already in the rider's community.


Let's also break down what it doesn't do.

Car Service

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Android Download iOS Download

Click on the link above to download the app from the Apple App store or the Google Play store.

You may also visit the Apple app store on your iPhone or the Google Play store on your Samsung, Pixel or other Android phone.

Search for RideConnect, which is one word.

Look for an app with the Icon.png icon.

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