
How to have a stress free New Year's Eve

Revision as of 11:53, 29 December 2016 by Santosh (Talk | contribs)


The year has almost wound down and everyone's talking about the plans for New Year's Eve.

But does anyone think about the buzz kill that is the reality of getting to and from venues of entertainment? Every year, thousands of young party goers flock to clubs, bars, house parties and other venues for a night of fun and entrainment but the trip to and from these places is locked in a dance of frustration, coordination and missed connections.

This is because of cars. Not the cars themselves but rather the large number of cars that end up taking a lot of people to the same, or similar places.

Why did at invent RideConnect?

Us, too, at RideConnect, are people just like you. We don't like a buzz kill.