

Revision as of 00:13, 18 August 2015 by Santosh (Talk | contribs) (Other Viewers)

A post is an interactive entry on the RideBoard. It contains:

  • The poster's picture
  • The poster's handle
  • If the poster is a direct social contact, then the name
  • The number of common contacts between the poster and the user who's viewing the post
  • The destination to which the poster intends to go
  • A post menu


Creating a Post

In order to create a post, touch the Ride Later button.


In the next screen, specify the destination where you plan to go, as well as who should be able to view this post.

Creating a post.png

On submitting it, this post will now be on the RideBoard. Only the people who you selected will be able to see and interact with this post.

Interacting with a Post

Each post has a menu. The options available to the original poster are different from those available to viewers.

Original Poster


As the original poster, you can delete your post. When you do so, the post is removed from the RideBoards of everyone in your community.

Other Viewers


Viewers of the RideBoard may choose to do the following to posts:

Mute poster
This silences the user so that their posts don't appear on your RideBoard. You can still ask them, or offer them, a ride, and they can do the same to you.
Block poster
this removes the user from your community and they're unable to share rides.