
The Definitive Guide To Ridesharing for Charity Organizations

Revision as of 15:30, 1 February 2017 by Santosh (Talk | contribs)

Preface Organizations of all sizes deal with transportation issues all the time. Whether it's about employees going from and coming to work, or charities helping transport people from home to shelter, the transportation problems are just absorbed into the day to day operations of the organization.

The results are often costly, both in terms of money and time.

Over time, most organizations, and their members, develop ad hoc processes and workaround so that getting to and from meetings, events, social gatherings or even running errands are possible with ease when it was difficult to do so before.

There are various tools available that can help address these transportation challenges more effectively.

However once a process has been established, no matter how imperfect it may be, it's easier to disregard alternatives even if better ones exist.

In this guide, we shall examine the problems that organizations face and how they can apply existing and modern solutions to address them.

Who Is This For This guide is for organizations that have a base of members. For instance:

  1. Charity organization that has a volunteer and employee base as well as recipients of the efforts of the charity
  2. Not for profit businesses that have an employee base that needs to travel from home to places of work
  3. Shelters that need to arrange a workforce to help bring homeless and disabled people to the shelter
  4. Any of the above types of organizations where they require the transportation of goods, donations or merchandise from the point of donation or purchase to the point of distribution or consumption

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